I can call 'wsl' and any command line is passed in. For example, here you see I have three Linuxes and one is the default. If I have a Linux distro configured, I can call Linux commands locally from CMD or PowerShell. As you may know, Windows 10 can run many Linuxes out of the box. I could use Linux/bash that's built into Windows 10 for years now. Being able to use out of the box tools has a lot of value.Ī friend pointed out this part where I'm using plink.exe to ssh into the remote Linux machine to launch the VS Debugger: 'pipeTransport': \\bin\\PLINK.EXE', Putty is one of those tools that we (as developers) often take for granted, but ideally I could do stuff like this without installing yet another tool.
NET Core on ARM in my last post, I was looking for optimizations and realized that I was using plink/putty for my SSH tunnel. In working on getting Remote debugging with VS Code on Windows to a Raspberry Pi using.